Unterstützung ukrainischer Kulturmacher*innen

Gerade Kulturschaffende in der Ukraine sind derzeit in besonderer Gefahr, denn die Kraft von Kunst und Kultur sind reflexive Pfeiler und Impulsgeber*innen freiheitlicher Gesellschaften. Viele Kulturmacher*innen sind bereits auf der Flucht, andere versuchen gerade mit ihren Mitteln den Widerstand zu stärken.

In vielen Debatten über das Thema offenbart sich ein Problem, das sich in vielen westeuropäischen Ländern – vor allem auch in Deutschland – beobachten lässt: Konkretes Wissen über zeitgenössische künstlerische und damit auch (kultur-)politische Entwicklungen in Ost- und Südosteuropa ist immer noch »Spezialwissen« und somit Mangelware. Es fehlt nicht selten die notwendige Sensibilität und ausreichende Hintergrundinformationen für die aktuelle Situation der ukrainischen Kulturmacher*innen. Solidarität ist in dieser Situation zwar wichtig, reicht alleine aber nicht aus. Wir müssen uns fragen, wie wir den Kulturmacher*innen in und aus der Ukraine helfen können? Welche Förderungen und Unterstützungsleistungen müssen wir nun auf den Weg bringen?

Picture: Masha Vyshedska

Die Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft und das Goethe Institut laden ein zur Veranstaltung am 11.04.2022:

What can help Ukrainian cultural and art professionals? Direct exchange with cultural workers in Ukraine (in english)

Zur Anmeldung

Something has happened now that no one wanted to believe possible. After eight years of war in eastern Ukraine, on 24 February 2022 Russia began a grasp for dominance over the whole of Ukraine in a war of aggression the likes of which we in Europe no longer thought possible.

Many people and institutions are helping or want to help. Though helping is not easy. There are so many activities and possibilities, sometime also a lot of actionism.

In addition, many people, for example in Western Europe, know very little about Ukraine and have had no contact with this country. This often leads to misconceptions, excessive demands or simply to unintentionally putting one's foot in one's mouth. This web talk will specifically focus as a follow-up on the first web talk on March 7th (see below) on the question how Ukrainian cultural and art professionals can be helped.

We have invited cultural workers from Ukraine to talk about what is happening and how there can be help? We will also introduce a concrete »Starter-kit: How can I help Ukrainian cultural and art professionals?«. You will have the opportunity to ask direct questions. To make the web talk more accessible it will be held in English this time. If you need support with translation, we will help you.


  1. Introduction by Patrick S. Föhl, international cultural development planner and trainer, Berlin.
  2. Combing emergency support and cultural work – plus safeguarding of cultural heritage.
    Alona Karavai, Creative/Social entrepreneur, Ivano-Frankivsk: Input on crossing (trans)cultural and humanitarian work. What is happening / how there can be help?
    Ilona Demchenko, House of Europe, Lviv: Safeguarding of cultural heritage. What is happening / how there can be help?
    Christian Diemer, House of Europe, Kyiv: Emergency package by House of Europe (implementation of which is led by Goethe-Institut Ukraine) containing emergency support,  safeguarding of cultural heritage, and organisational and individual support including for relocation and re-starting. What is happening / how can there be help?
  3. Starter-kit: How can I help Ukrainian cultural and art professionals? (what do you need to know, broken down by different types and regions):
    Yaroslav Minkin: Cultural activist, chairman of the youth organization STAN and trainer Cultural Leadership Academy Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk, introducing the starter-kit. Plus additions by Patrick S. Föhl.
  4. Teaser: Reactivating the concept of sister cities
    Denys Vasyliev, Cultural Manager and Trainer Cultural Leadership Academy Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia (a specific format on that topic will follow)
  5. Direct reaction by a German community
    City of Frankfurt am Main, Mrs. Linke, Head of Cultural Departement
  6. Then open discussion / questions with whole audience
  7. Final words